It’s way too friggin’ hot. And for some reason the living room AC unit isn’t cooling the room as well as it should.

It’s Hot by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
It’s way too friggin’ hot. And for some reason the living room AC unit isn’t cooling the room as well as it should.
It’s Hot by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Hi you two love birds……your crazy Aunt from CA was checking out your web-site. I do not know what the hell I am doing. However I was able to see your pic in Ireland and the BBQ and the not so cool cat. I am very happy for you both and hope you are enjoying being newlyweds. We had a blast at the wedding. Hope to see you soon. Always remember our door is always open.
Scott you have a lovely family.