Up late, feeling sluggish. Turns out I had a mild fever.
Fever put the kibosh on most of the day’s plans. Ended up watching Netflix all day. Finally saw Network. The acting was great but they could have trimmed maybe half an hour from the runtime without losing much. Or maybe that’s the fever talking.
Woke up a little late, feeling queasy. Decided to go to work anyway. Barely caught my bus.
Sent an email to driver customer in an attempt to sync up our environments and find why solution that works for me doesn’t for him.
Nausea continued throughout the morning. Decided to go home at lunch.
Laid on couch watching MST3K and Arrested Development (yes, finally) drifting in and out of consciousness. Tried to eat dry Corn Chex, but my stomach was having none of that.
Had to skip guitar lesson. Poo.
Finally took my temperature and found out I have a slight fever. This does not bode well. Emily’s plague week started in similar fashion.