Watched the original version of Brazil from Netflix. Way better than the “Love Conquers All” version, even if the ending is more of a downer. The edited version loses all the “artsy” stuff (as Emily calls it): the dream sequences where Lowry is an epic hero who fights monsters and rescues the damsel, which makes a huge contrast to the “real” world where he’s a cog in the machine, timid and ordinary, and which provides him the inspiration to become something more.
After work I made spaghetti with ground turkey sauce for dinner. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
Finally watched Citizen Kane from Netflix. I say “finally” both because I had until tonight lived over 28 years without having seen it, and because it’s been sitting on my mantle for three or so weeks. I think it would be tough after 70 years to come up with anything original or profound to say about this movie, so I’ll just say that I enjoyed it and that it belongs on all of those “Best Movies Ever” lists that constantly place it at or near the top.
Started testing bip out as a replacement for my long-time SSH+screen+irssi always-on IRC solution. I’ve been using XChat with the irssi proxy module since I joined Canonical because with IRC being the primary means of communication with my coworkers I wanted to have desktop notifications to make sure I knew when someone wanted my attention. However irssi’s proxy module doesn’t provide a backlog of messages received while you aren’t connected so I would end up connecting to my screen (actually byobu) session to read the old messages anyway. Now I can just connect with whatever client I wish and I have both my missed messages and fancypants notifications with a single step.
Up late; off to my grandfather’s house for a Memorial Day cookout. Mostly it consisted of my uncle outside at the grill while the rest of us stayed in the air-conditioned house. We had the usual fare of burgers and hot dogs, plus potato salad and fruit. My mother brought her broccoli salad, to which I’ve become addicted in recent years.
Home. Watched some episodes of Bones from Netflix streaming.
Audio driver work winding down. Performed some final code cleanup. Will package the driver up with a nice bow and ship it out tomorrow.
Home; Invited my parents to Easter dinner (should have done that a bit earlier perhaps, as Emily’s family was already planning on coming). Should be a fun event: we’re already washing the fancy dishes.
Watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall from Netflix. Really enjoyable in that unique Judd Apatow kind of way.
Up late, feeling sluggish. Turns out I had a mild fever.
Fever put the kibosh on most of the day’s plans. Ended up watching Netflix all day. Finally saw Network. The acting was great but they could have trimmed maybe half an hour from the runtime without losing much. Or maybe that’s the fever talking.
Work continued on the audio driver. Trying to hunt down the buffer allocation code to move a buffer into on-chip RAM but the Linux SoC audio code is made up of layers of indirection which complicate things like this.