Up early; made-to-order omelette for breakfast. Yum.
Changed into my (mostly) fitting tux and headed to the chapel with Greg, Mike, and Ted.
After the usual photographic shenanigans we (the groomsmen) ushered all the guests inside and watched Ted and Sara get married. It was a very nice ceremony with Sara’s grandfather presiding. All that practice seemed to pay off, as everyone was able to walk and stand in place as instructed. Sara’s father did flub a line, but he recovered gracefully and the rest of the ceremony went off without a hitch.
After the happy couple was married there were more pictures, including some of us waving Terrible Towels. There was one setup of the group walking casually toward the camera down a long street. I can only hope that the photographer adds a large explosion behind us in Photoshop.
The reception was fun. Ted’s sister and I waved our Terrible Towels as we were introduced. Greg’s best man speech was well received (he wrote it as if Ted had written it for him to read. If you know Ted, you likely know the hilarity that ensued). There was much dancing, with Sara’s father taking home the Twinkle Toes Trophy™ (which I just made up). Mike attempted to lead a large group of us in the choreography of Thriller, but we failed to keep up, with what I’m sure were amusing results.
After we sent the happy couple on their way we returned to the hotel to change back into civilian clothes and sped off toward Pismo Beach. Cristine had never seen the Pacific Ocean, and we all relished the chance to freeze our toesies off in the chill waters.
We grabbed a late dinner at a nearby crab shack, where I couldn’t resist trying a calamari burger. The burger is a misnomer, as it was really just a couple of pieces of squid on a bun. A bit chewy but still delicious.
Back to the hotel for some much-needed sleep.
Emily looks lovely... but who's the bozo in the tie?Not All of These Men are Steelers FansMmm... CakeThree AmigosSunset on the Pacific