weather forecast

I must admit, I was a fool. Yesterday, I openly mocked SNOWPOCALYPSE ‘010 and now I have paid the price for my lack of vision.

Pennsylvania has been declared in a state of emergency. Flights in and out of Pittsburgh International Airport are grounded, public transit has halted in Pittsburgh, and an estimated 102,000 local homes are without power.

I awoke this morning to find my neighborhood bearing a closer resemblance to Hoth than Squirrel Hill, with trees bent under the weight of snow and drifts rising above knee-level.

Snow 11
The snow is over 20"

I took up my trusty snow shovel and went to work. Luckily we don’t have a driveway. We do, however, have a back deck that has seen better days and would be better off without the weight of 20″ of snow on it. That became Priority One.

Snow 5

With the back deck cleared off it was time to tackle the front walk.

Front Walk

I would have dug out my car, but someone had helpfully put up caution tape around it due to a downed power line. Maybe I’ll get to that tomorrow.


In the meantime, Emily and I are planning our snow fort.

CC BY 4.0 SNOWPOCALYPSE ‘010 by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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