- Happy anniversary to my darling wife, Emily!
- Being the nerds we are, we spent the afternoon at the Carnegie Museums looking at dinosaurs and art.
- It was almost as hot as our wedding day so once the museums closed we went across the street to Kiva Han and cooled off with some smoothies, then we sat in the Cathedral lawn for a while watching some tiny kids play tee ball and some somewhat larger kids play cricket. I still have no idea how cricket works.
- Dinner was at the Gypsy Cafe in the South Side, which is where we ate the night we got engaged. We followed that up with a ride on the incline up Mt. Washington where we could take in a nice view of the city.
- We stopped for ice cream at the little shop on Shiloh Street then rode back down and headed home.
- We finally unwrapped our cake topper and realized just how much cake we had to deal with. It held up pretty well and was still tasty, but there’s far too much of it.
- We exchanged anniversary gifts. The traditional first anniversary gift is paper, and we both took that to mean books. I got Emily two books by Dave Eggers, who she’d mentioned an interest in a few weeks ago and she got me the third and fourth volumes of Absolute Sandman, which means now I need to read the whole thing again.