- Up early; to the airport! Headed to San Luis Obispo, CA for Ted and Sara’s wedding.
- Breakfast in TGI Friday’s. Pretty decent Western omelette.
- Flight to Phoenix was uneventful. Read through about a quarter of A Clash of Kings.
- Flight from Phoenix to San Luis Obispo was delayed about an hour. Probably because the air conditioning unit melted in the 110°F heat. They said they fixed it. They lied.
- Arrived in beautiful San Luis Obispo. The weather was sunny but not too hot, and the airport was the cutest little thing I ever saw. They have a gate (there is a second one marked, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere). They also have a cute little metal detector and a cute little rental car desk.
- Acquired a car at the cute little rental car desk and drove into SLO. Stopped at Men’s Wearhouse to pick up my tux then drove an absurdly short distance to the hotel. We checked in and dropped off our bags, then met up with Greg at the free cocktail hour in the lobby. Tried a Firestone DBA, which I’d never heard of before. Pretty good and locally made!
- Later in the evening Ted joined us and we went out to a nearby steak house (after Google Maps lied to us about the existence of a different restaurant). My sirloin was excellent and I thought I was starving but perhaps due to the time difference my stomach would not take more than half.
- Back to the room for some much-needed sleep.

28 July 2011 by ssweeny.net is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.