I’m gonna go ahead and call it. Buffalo Chicken Chili Season has arrived in Pittsburgh.

I’m gonna go ahead and call it. Buffalo Chicken Chili Season has arrived in Pittsburgh.
This one is a bit of a changeup. I had originally planned to top my nachos with something boring like chicken fried rice, but alas I missed the boat on those particular leftovers. Instead I spotted some hard boiled eggs in the fridge, so I shelled and crumbled one of those bad boys onto my chips.
The flavor was about what I expected. The saltiness of the chips complimented the egg, while the tang of the salsa and Mexican cheese blend rounded things out pretty nicely.
(with apologies to my French-speaking friends)
This week’s Frankenlunch’s Monster was pita bread with hummus topped with couscous and rice and drizzled with a red pepper sauce. Definitely more thematically consistent and equally satisfying.
When I worked from home full time it was often my practice to open the fridge and assemble for lunch an unholy concoction of leftovers and carbs from whatever I found in there. In that grand tradition today I made nachos and topped them with some homemade kimchi lovingly fermented by my wife.
Despite the look she gave me when I showed her what I was doing it was pretty tasty. I’ll probably have it again tomorrow to finish off the kimchi.