Evelyn Isabelle Sweeny was born on 31 May 2015 at the very easy to remember 2:22PM. She weighed 6lb, 15oz and was 19.5 inches long.

We’re home from the hospital today and apart from the usual lack of sleep we couldn’t be happier.

Emily laughs at her daughter's misery
Emily laughs at her daughter’s misery

Like her parents, she does not like being photographed.

Not having any of this
Not having any of this

On Saturday as Emily and I were visiting one of her childhood friends in Ferndale, MI (and a nasty batch of food poisoning was gestating in my gut unbeknownst to me) we stopped in a little record shop called “Found Sound” because it looked cool and I had a thought to replace the warped copy of Ziggy Stardust that I’d inherited from my parents. No such luck, but I did find something literally almost as good:

The Spiders From Mars
Found at Found Sound

It turns out that David Bowie’s actual backing band from that album released another album on their own before calling it quits. The best part is, it was only a dollar and it’s actually pretty good. Still looking to replace that copy of Ziggy though…