• Up and at ’em. Headed to St. Clair Shores for Mother’s Day brunch with the in-laws.
  • Brunch was at a nice Italian restaurant beneath a hotel nearby. We were the only customers, not that we were complaining.
  • Back to the hotel to take a short nap.
  • Got dressed for the wedding and headed over to the ceremony. I tailgated a bit with Mike and Jim as they listened to the Tigers game (their pitcher went on to pitch a near-perfect game) while Emily, Amy, Greg, and Luke explored the park.
  • Ceremony was beautiful. Marred only by my uncontrollable laughter at the opening words: “Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today…”
  • Much merriment followed the ceremony. Tried to wear myself out for my upcoming travel.

  • Up a bit early. Fever mostly gone. Off to church to see Emily play with the Folk Orchestra. They kicked ass, as has been their habit of late. Emily is the best one in her row.
  • Home. Took a brief nap to recover from church then headed to the Waterfront. Got fitted for my third wedding tux in the space of a year (only one was my wedding), then bought shower gifts and some miscellaneous household items.
  • Home again. Emily and I took a long nap as she put a 90 minute string of cheesy movie trailers up on Netflix streaming.
  • Dinner was left-over birthday cake. Exactly what my worn out body needed.