• Up early; to work.
  • Humming along on some research regarding one of my tasks when I found out I Broke The Build™ yesterday. Never a good thing to hear, especially when you’re the new guy. Spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out what went wrong, but came up empty. Perhaps sleep will bring clarity.
  • Fermenter is still bubbling.
  • After work it fell to me to finish installing the plumbing for the bathroom sink while Emily went to folk orchestra rehearsal. I trimmed about a quarter-inch off of a pipe and after some blood, sweat, tears, and a bit of plumber’s tape everything is in place and carrying water where it needs to go. A rare successful plumbing project.
  • Rewarded myself with a grilled cheese sandwich and some Mass Effect before bed.

  • Up late; to work.
  • Call with project team landed me some more concrete tasks with something resembling deadlines. Getting into the groove.
  • Fermenter has started to bubble. Glub, glub… there’s beer in the… bucket.
  • Emily made a nice halibut dish with potatoes for dinner. There may have even been tomatoes in it but it was tasty enough that I didn’t care. Yum.
  • Did some cleanup around the basement after cutting a stopper for Emily’s bathroom sink project.
  • Finished the night with what else but Mass Effect.

  • Up late. Went grocery shopping and picked up some last-minute supplies for beer brewing.
  • Brewed my first-ever solo batch of beer. For the most part it went fine, but I was a bit rushed toward the end when transferring the beer into the fermenter since we were running late to a concert. The starting gravity was a bit below what it should have been but it was still within the acceptable range though. Only time will tell how it will end up.
  • Emily and I raced out to Hartwood Acres to see Josh Ritter perform. We took a picnic of cheeses and crackers plus some old wine we needed to get rid of. The music was great and the crackers very garlicky.
  • Home to a kitchen full of brewing equipment still needing to be cleaned, but that can wait for tomorrow.

  • Up late. Took delivery of a love seat from my parents. Of course it ended up in the basement (a.k.a. “Man Cave”). The hand-me-down chain continues.
  • Emily and I had lunch with my parents at the new Pittsburgh Burger Company at the Waterfront. Tasty burgers all around, and they have more exotic stuff like boar, ostrich, end elk. My bison burger was delicious.
  • Emily started installing the new bathroom sink while I cleaned up a bit in the basement. I cut a pipe for her and managed not to mangle myself this time.

  • Up and at ’em. To work.
  • Made some documentation changes based on comments from my merge proposals, and got two more proposals off.
  • Tried a Market District burrito for lunch. No story that begins with “I ate some prepared food from Giant Eagle” ends well. This one was no different.
  • After work Emily and I joined Simona and Russell at First Fridays at the Frick. The group that played was really impressive and the music made a great background for our little picnic.
  • On a whim the four of us decided to pop down to the Waterworks to see X-Men: First Class. Really impressive film, especially after the last couple.

  • Up and at ’em. Cold pizza for breakfast. Yum.
  • Hacked away at stuff for work. Ended up with two merge proposals. Not bad for the new guy.
  • Lunch was a sandwich along with the last of the broccoli salad. Great stuff.
  • Later in the afternoon, stomach ache made me suspect that the dressing in the broccoli salad had not aged well. Pity, but I say it was worth it.
  • Went to Home Depot with Emily to buy a new bathroom sink. The old one leaks and we only have a few dozen other projects for this weekend, so what the hell, right?
  • Finished up the evening with some more Mass Effect.

  • Up early; more leftover fruit salad for breakfast. Sadly that was the last of it.
  • Got some nice concrete tasks to perform at work. Performed them.
  • Made myself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, paired with some of my mother’s broccoli salad. The post-Memorial Day week is good for eating.
  • Emily made a fancy flatbread pizza with peaches and gorgonzola cheese for dinner. Yum.
  • We went for a bike ride after dinner. Nothing too epic, just down to Regent Square and back. Stopped at Tutti Frutti and tried to make use of Emily’s Groupon, but it turns out we don’t have a large enough appetite for frozen yogurt to make it worthwhile.
  • At home, relaxed with some more Mass Effect 2. I seem to be getting re-addicted to this game.

  • Up early; leftover fruit salad for breakfast. Mmmmm.
  • Spent most of the day researching an issue for work that I later found out was not an issue. Mildly annoying, but so was the issue. Glad to be rid of it.
  • Took a crowbar and a hand saw to the little wooden platform next to the downstairs toilet. There must be 50 nails in this thing and at least a dozen screws HOLDING IT TO THE WALL. It’s supposed to be a foot rest since the toilet is sitting up on a tank. Two hours of effort and I only got half of the thing dismantled. I have no idea what the person who built this was thinking but I’d like to give them a piece of my mind some time.
  • Took the edge off of my frustration with some pierogi with seasoned salt, some Flying Dog IPA, and some Mass Effect.

  • Up late; off to my grandfather’s house for a Memorial Day cookout. Mostly it consisted of my uncle outside at the grill while the rest of us stayed in the air-conditioned house. We had the usual fare of burgers and hot dogs, plus potato salad and fruit. My mother brought her broccoli salad, to which I’ve become addicted in recent years.
  • Home. Watched some episodes of Bones from Netflix streaming.

  • Up somewhat early. To church. Interesting sermon on Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Brunch at Double Wide Grill. Waitress was new and didn’t quite get my order (barbecue burger with a portabella cap instead of beef) right, but I didn’t communicate it clearly enough and failed to clarify when an opening came up. Ended up with a beef patty plus a portabella cap. Still tasty.
  • Ventured down into the back yard and hosed down the jungle of poison ivy that covers it with Round-up. This was not our first choice for a solution but the problem has become so bad that we felt we had few options. I take full responsibility and will turn in my liberal card at the next meeting.
  • Greg came over and the three of us headed to the new Mad Mex location in Shadyside. The Thai curry burrito is still top-notch. Also tried some Atwater Vanilla Java Imperial Stout. Much like the similarly flavored porter the stout was smooth and went down easy for an imperial, but also like the porter the vanilla flavor was really strong from the draft. Maybe a bottled version would be more balanced.
  • Ted joined us back home, originally to play “Last Night on Earth”. However, since none of us actually remembered how to play we ended up going with “Settlers of Catan” instead. We got through two games, the second of which was a monster.