• Up late, largely due to last night’s shenanigans.
  • Emily made a wonderful brunch of cheese omelets with bacon.
  • Off to the South Hills for a Sweeny family barbecue. Lots of great food along with a bean bag game, an RC helicopter, and the usual unwise political discussions. I got to see a couple of my aunts who live out of town and as an added bonus I didn’t even get sunburned.
  • After we got home we took a walk around the neighborhood and checked in on our friends’ cat. He was fine, if utterly uninterested in us.

  • Up late again. Going to bed late did not help.
  • Investigating more interesting problems with my current project. Good to feel like I’m getting ramped up and contributing.
  • Walked to the Squirrel Hill business district with Emily to get dinner. We ended up at Sababa Middle Eastern Grill, which we had been meaning to try for some time. We had grape leaves as a starter. Emily’s main course was the Sababa Salad, which she said she enjoyed. Mine was the schwarma, which was delicious. It came with an interesting curry sauce and majadra, which is a mix of rice and lentils. Yum.
  • After walking around a bit and checking out some of the shops we grabbed some iced tea at Té Café and made our way to Frankie and Georgie’s (formerly P.D.’s Pub) to see Chet Vincent and the Big Bend. It turned into a bit of a West Allegheny reunion with several tables full of people from my alma mater (it helps that two members of the band went to West A). The set was awesome but it ran until almost 2AM, and by the time we finished our post-set BSing it was nearly 2:30.
  • Home for a bit of a pass out.

  • Up late. Went to bed too early last night.
  • Hit a breakthrough in my software research thanks to some kind folks on IRC. A little more testing to do before I move on to the next task.
  • Dinner at Blue Dust. Portabella wrap is awesome, as is fried zucchini with horseradish sauce. Had a Duck-Rabbit Imperial Brown IPA. I always end up going for the beers that come in the little fancy glasses.
  • Spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the basement, going through boxes of stuff that I mostly don’t need or want anymore. The pile of stuff heading to Goodwill is daunting. On the plus side, I now have room for the love seat that my parents are hopefully bringing over this weekend.

  • Down the stairs; to work.
  • Spent much of the day dealing with some new-job-related administrivia I’d been putting off. Health insurance, 401k, etc. Finally got it straightened out.
  • Also submitted feedback on the training materials. Impressed by how quickly my comments were addressed.
  • Spent the rest of the day attempting to reproduce a certain software configuration from a previous project. The mechanics are easy. The more challenging aspect is coming up with useful and interesting test cases.
  • Walked to Giant Eagle after work to get some exercise and some groceries. This could be a good habit to get into.

  • Down the stairs; to work.
  • Short call with manager and mentor to get me rolling on a new project. My current task is to try to duplicate some software shenanigans from a previous project and document how to do it for posterity.
  • Final guitar lesson of the season. Rehashed some 12-bar blues and boogie-woogie. A few minutes of one-on-one time with the instructor to go over Jeffrey Gaines’ version of “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel. Pretty interesting cover, and much easier to play than the original.

  • Finished up formal training at work, got an assignment to start looking into how a particular project was done in order to duplicate it.
  • Made my famous fake-meat tacos for dinner. Ate with Emily on the deck, enjoying the beautiful weather.
  • Walked off said tacos with a stroll around the neighborhood. Went up some side streets and passed some interesting houses and mini-neighborhoods.
  • Watched Rocket Science from Netflix. Interesting and kinda funny in that indie-film sort of way.

  • Up early. Into my bike shorts.
  • Rode in the 2011 Pedal Pittsburgh event. 15-miles this time, as Emily’s dad joined us. Tour took us through Downtown, the North Side, the Strip District and the South Side. Great fun and a tasty burger at the end.
  • Dinner at Hokkaido Seafood Buffet. Best sushi I’ve ever had from a buffet.
  • Home to fall into an overstuffed stupor.

  • Up somewhat late. Managed to miss shelves being installed in the cellar under the porch.
  • Lunch at Smallman St. Deli with the in-laws. One of Emily’s friends from high school was there… he’s going to be spending some time at CMU and was in town scouting living quarters.
  • The Smallman St. Deli Rachael is a modern marvel.
  • Stopped at Lowe’s to pick up some poison-ivy poison and a storage box for the porch. I put together the storage box while my father-in-law installed a partition on the lower deck — precursor to an eventual hammock situation.
  • Dinner on the deck. Grilled flank steak and vegetables. Wonderful food, wonderful times.
  • Saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Pretty entertaining and better than the last two but still not as awesome as the first.

  • To work; more training.
  • Went grocery shopping during my lunch break. Unexpected advantage of working from home is opportunities like this. Got in a little exercise walking to and from the store and got to shop during a relatively uncrowded time.
  • After work went out with Emily, Greg, and Jim to dinner at Stonepepper’s Grill then to see Thor. The movie was definitely entertaining but it didn’t quite have the magic of the first Iron Man. I did like the cheesy overacting style that seems to crop up any time Kenneth Branagh is involved.